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Pocahontas Times Editor, Cal Price at the Greenbrier Hotel
Cal Price at the Greenbrier Hotel 1941

a man... a newspaper... and now a film

Sponsored by:
The Pocahontas County Free Libraries


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"Cal Price was the living embodiment of a man with plenty of simple dignity and honest pride. He didn’t have to pretend to be was a great privilege and heritage to be what he was."

Brooks Cottle - "Cal Price...and Thirty" - June 19, 1957
The Morgantown Post

The headline said it all.

Editors across America wrote their final personal thoughts about one of
West Virginia’s most loved and admired - "the old master of mountain journalism."
They put their papers to bed that June of 1957, knowing that 
the news would shake the hills.

this rural West Virginia county’s first and only remaining newspaper. 
The Times was America’s last handset newspaper and 
is one of the oldest existing weeklies in the country.
It was one of the first to enter the age of the computer. was still "Cal’s Paper." The Price Family is still "at the press", 
the workers are still women, obituaries are still on the front page, and, like always, 

readers around the world still expect their paper on time.


The feature-length video documentary 
will tell the story of the famous country editor
Calvin W. Price - the last pioneer of the country press
and his homespun weekly newspaper

January 2005.
Click HERE for Details.


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