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Repairing the Roads - February 21, 1901

We would like to hear from practical men as to what should be done in repairing roads. Of one thig we are convinced and that is our road makers are too careless about what they throw in the road. We have noticed their tendency to make a road look like a plowed field and think they had done their duty. The theory is to make the roadbed high like an embankment so that the water will run off and remain dry, but as a matter of fact it only puts on a few more inches of mud, which is washed back into the side ditches from which it came. One rock thrown out of the road does more good than a dozen thrown in.

We would like this subject aired through the columns of this paper. The superintendents cannot make turnpikes out of our county roads all at once, but by putting the money into something permanent we may begin to improve the roads of the county.