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 Presidential Candidates/Eisenhower and Truman – January 17, 1952

As for President, General Eisenhower has finally been wedged into announcement that he would be available as the Republican candidate in case the National Convention drafts him as a standard bearer. His prominent leaders are Governor Dewey, of New York, Senator Duff of Pennsylvania and Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts. While double crossing hearts of politicians may sometimes be free from guile, the sin of questioning their motions is as natural as sin itself. They know as well as I do, if Eisenhower’s strength is sufficient to stop Taft and so deadlock the Convention, a dark horse may be in the running and who knows who.

It is presumed that Governor Dewey realizes he will not be allowed a third throw at the presidency. However, there are lesser plums.

What about our candidate? Why, President Truman, of course. For one thing, his Country and World and his Party need him. Never once has he ever flinched in the face of duty. The dimmer lights abused him as base, self seekers abused, ridiculed and black guarded other champions of the rights of people as opposed to the rights of property. In this he has good company composed of such heaven inspired men as George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson and the two Roosevelts. America has yet to let such a champion down, and I now hold they are not going to begin with President Truman.